I have been inspired by my friend Gini Dietrich’s weekly Gin and Topics posts over at Spin Sucks, so much so that I’ve decided to up the ante and bring back a Roundup-like feature to Flashfree (if you’re unfamiliar with the Roundup, think monthly highlight recaps. You can find them here.)
Shaken. Not Stirred is intended to highlight a few choice finds that I believe are worthy of mention in this space. They might not warrant an entire post, but they’ve shaken me up in one way or another to break (or pause, if you will) from our normally scheduled programming and deliver information in a format that is distinct from what you’ve come to expect. In that vein, this feature won’t appear on a regular schedule as I do believe that into every blog should flow a bit of the erratic; after all, that’s what keeps things lively, right?
So, without further ado… I bring you the Shaken. Not Stirred.
Bottom’s up!
- There’s a new kid in town and you may want to get to know him better. So you chat about him online with your other online pals, weigh his pros and cons. And then decide collectively whether or not to befriend him. That’s what the new patient portal Treato is doing. Only this time, the new kid is a medication you might be considering taking for your menopause-related depression and you’re not sure about its side effects. Can you find someone just like you to talk to about it, read/hear their experiences, obtain advice from a medical expert who might be weighing in and then make a more informed decision? Treato is doing just that in one consolidated location. Granted, I’ve not thoroughly vetted the site for accuracy and like any medical information that circulates on the web, ‘whatever is received’ requires vigilance on the part of the user. But I am a huge advocate of leveling the healthcare playing field and patients should be participating in their healthcare. Check it out. And let me know what you think.
- Who knew that weight loss could be so easy? One pair of Zaggora HotPants can help you zap away that unsightly cellulite. How? By incorporating “a comfortable bioceramic material that emits infrared rays to help wearers naturally and efficiently amp up weight-loss regimens. The shorts’ Celu-Lite technology smoothes thighs and other dimple-prone areas by galvanizing the skin’s internal zamboni to promote a deep warming of body tissues and promote lymphatic drainage. This process boosts sweating by up to 80% and aids in eliminating the toxins responsible for cellulite. Gotta give the company props for the term ‘internal zamboni’ but the reality is that nothing has been scientifically proven to rid the body of cellulite.
- Since we are on the topic of do’s and don’ts, why not end this week’s Shaken. Not Stirred with a bit of alcohol-related news? My guess is that many of you have seen the news about drinking and breast cancer and are as confused as I’ve been. My friend Elaine Shattner, over at Medical Lessons Blog, has done an excellent job distilling the facts down to ‘what you need to know,’ much better than I ever could have. Like me, Elaine (who is a trained oncologist, among other things) agrees that women no longer need to be stigmatized by their decisions, writing “Women, in my experience, are generally more vulnerable to the put-downs of others. And so my concern about the BC-alcohol link is that this will, somehow, be used, or have the effect of, making survivors or thrivers or women who haven’t even had breast cancer feel like they’re doing the wrong thing if they go to a party and have a drink. And then they’ll feel badly about themselves.” Do yourselves a favour: read this post.
And if you would, can you do me a favour and weigh in on Shaken. Not Stirred?
Yay, nay or meh?
Any chance you can Fed Ex a pair of those hot pants my way…?
LOVE “Shaken Not Stirred” – always great to find interesting stuff that got missed through the week. Oh, and I like to drink. But yes, feel the guilt/fear(?) every time I read an article like the one you mentioned. Thanks for taking the piss out of it a bit.
Cheers, Lindsay
Thanks for the prompt feedback Lindsay! And I’ll look into Fed Ex on your behalf!
I’ll be home all day. LOL
I was also a little confused about the alcohol and breast cancer link, but either way, I’m not giving up my weekend wine! I’d also lie a pair of those slimming pants—they would be great for covering up menopausal weight gain!
Marcia – you’ve got that right: cover up menopausal weight. But they’re not going to do much in the way of all they claim to do. I am happy that Elaine’s post cleared up some of the alcohol/breast cancer information. It can be tough to tease out what’s what when there are so many claims kicking around the interwebz.