Posts Tagged "menopause"

News Flash! Menopause – the new glass ceiling

Posted by on Jan 9, 2009 in menopause | 2 comments

News out of  Nebraska today….

Evidently a woman is suing the Union Pacific Railroad for discrimination. The reason: menopause.

56 year old Porfiria Alonzo claims that she was laid off by the railroadbecause the organization perceived “that she was having health problems due to menopause.” Sources say that she was seen crying and upset on several occasions. And despite having attended mental health evaluation (where nothing was found that indicated that she would benefit from counseling), and at the Railroad’s insistence, a second round of evaluations (where once again, nothing was found), she was still barred from returning to work.

No trial date has been set as of yet.

What do you think about this? Is menopause the new glass ceiling?

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“Getting” menopause

Posted by on Jan 8, 2009 in humour | 5 comments

I ran across this today while doing some research. Had to share.

“If you’re a plastic doll, do you still get menopause?”

In case you’re wondering….Barbie evidently turns 50 this year.

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One-stop shopping

Posted by on Dec 29, 2008 in herbal medicine | 4 comments

I recently ran across a press release for Menersa™, Vitaloix Labs’ neutraceutical that the company says addresses 34 common symptoms of menopause, including:

  • weight gain
  • hot flashes
  • night sweats
  • mood swings
  • vaginal dryness
  • urinary changes
  • loss of sex drive

Wow! One pill that does ALL THAT. Company spokesperson Janice Greenberg, also says that “evidence suggests that it (Menersa™) is comparable to low-dose estradiol for relieving hot flashes.”

So, what is in this wonder “drug” anyhow?

According to the product website, Menersa™ is a combination of phytoestrogens, black cohosh, soy isoflavones and other natural ingredients.

I want to believe

Truly, I do. But if anything, science and medicine has proven that one size rarely fits all.  What’s more, the company cites clinical studies that back their efficacy claims and yet the only thing on the web is a one-pager on the supplement that contains a description, testimonials and an order form.

As regular readers of this blog knows, I am a huge fan of herbal and alternative approaches to addressing menopausal symptoms. However, I am also a stickler for data that supports any claims.

So, Vitaloix. Show me the data. And if it does what it says it does, I’ll be an enduring fan.

Any of you try Menersa™ yet? Tell me about the product.

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Wednesday Bubble: Hot stuff

Posted by on Dec 24, 2008 in sexual desire, sexual health | 5 comments


Those of you who regularly read this blog know that I’ve spent quite a bit of time this Fall writing about sex. Sexual desire, sexual dysfunctiontestosterone and sex, self respect, happiness….sex.

However, when a friend of mine recently mentioned that it is commonly believed amongst men is that women going through menopause are insatiable,  I had to jump on him (figuratively, of course) and the topic.

This statement blows all the data proving otherwise, well, right out the window.

Women going through menopause are insatiable.

So ladies and gentlemen, the soapbox is yours’ today on Flashfree. Let’s burst the bubble and put the myth and misconceptions about midlife and sex to rest, once and for all (okay, I can’t really promise not to write about this topic again but once and for all this week….):

What are your experiences? Take the poll or comment. Let’s talk!

[polldaddy poll=”1223610″]

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Wednesday Bubble: Got change?

Posted by on Dec 17, 2008 in humour | 1 comment

Got change?

I’m going to take a detour from Wednesday  ‘business as usual’ and share this wonderful cartoon I ran across in the British Cartoon Archives at the University of Kent, UK.



Credit: Paul Thomas, Uncaptioned. Daily Express, 24 September 1999; The British Cartoon Archive, University of Kent, catalogue record 52191.

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