Wednesday Bubble: I’m a Hot Momma!

Posted by on May 4, 2011 in Inspiration | 2 comments

What?!! A Hot Momma? I’m not a momma!

However, I am a proud finalist in the Hot Momma’s Project 2011 Case Study Competition. So the only bubble I’m bursting this week is the one that send messages to young women that they can’t excel where and how they want to.

The Hot Momma’s Project, founded by the incredible Kathy Korman Frey, is a self-described,” award-winning women’s leadership research venture housed at the George Washington University School of Business, Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence.” By exposing women and girls to online mentors and role models, The Hot Momma’s Project helps to “increase self efficacy” and open career opportunities. Indeed, research has shown that Frey’s model works, boosting self-confidence in women ages 18 and over by as much as 100% to 220%! Moreover, last January, the venture became the became the world’s largest women’s ‘teachable stories’ library, providing global access to stories of female role models and mentors, free of charge.

When I was growing up, my role models were the strong women in my family. My mother returned to education to get her MLS when I was in grammer school and went on to run one of the most esteemed corporate business libraries in NYC. My grandmother, who never received a college degree, was instrumental in leading and rallying women in her local community during WWII. I am fortunate that I had such great mentors to show me that women could excel and lead in roles traditionally owned by men.

There are many amazing women involved in the Hot Momma’s Project and I am thrilled to be part of it. I hope that you’ll read through each of the winning cases and share them with the young women in your life who are searching for direction. And if you would like to read more about my story, you can find it here.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If my work or contribution inspires one person a day, I am successful. I hope that every young woman across the globe can discover the journey that fulfills her passions as much as mine has.


  1. 5-7-2011

    Congrats, Liz! You are my favorite HOT Momma!

    • 5-7-2011

      Thanks Danielle!

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