It starts with “got a shmirshky?” and ends with ‘the pursuit of hormone happiness.’ Hmm, why does this sound like a really bad movie on Lifetime Network?
Truly, when I first laid eyes on, I wanted to hate it. Why? Because I don’t like cutesy names for vaginas like “shmirsky.” And I don’t really understand the tagline or book title – ‘think inside the box’ or ‘pursuit of hormone happiness’. Nor do I care for abbreviations like “PM and M” (i.e. perimenopause and menopause) or “SUMO,” the author “E’s” (read: everyone) imaginary friend who makes her feel bad about herself.
Shall I continue? Or stop right there? Because I know that if you’re reading Flashfree, you’ve got the picture.
HOWEVER…I applaud E for taking a light approach to a daunting subject. And while I’ve not read her ‘quintessential Cliff notes to menopause,’ admittedly I did get a chuckle out of her YouTube video. And I really do love her message of reaching out; after all, one of my primary mandates since starting this blog has been to promote dialogue among women and between women and their providers so that they are better equipped to deal with the many aspects of the changes that are occurring within and without. Moreover, we know with certainty that a little humour and laughter go a very long way towards promoting health and wellness.
So, I’m going to give E a free pass. Menopause certainly is not a tropical vacation but shmirsky cutesie acronyms aside, she may be onto something. At the very least, I’ll read the book before drawing my any final conclusions.
What about you? Got a Shmirshky?