Perfect Sunday…and now for something completely different

Posted by on Oct 19, 2008 in Uncategorized | 5 comments

Part of the fun of being a blogger is knowing other like-minded souls, like my favorite sister-in-law Blanche. And silly blogger games like “tag.” So, I am writing this in honour of youthful days of yore. (BTW, check out the end of the post for some menopause-related questions.)

Blanche -this one’s for you.

And for you, dear readers who don’t know me personally, here’s a bit of insight into Flashfree.

A) Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation.
B) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.

The age you will be on your next birthday

Your favorite place that you want to travel to (I’m interpreting this as my favorite place)

Your favorite Food

Your favorite pet

Your favorite colour combination

Your favorite piece of clothing

First name of your significant other

NA at the moment.

The Town in Which you Live

Bad Habit

Worst Fear

What you’d like to do before you die

I’m breaking the rules. Because I always do. So, I’m only tagging Amy.

This exercise, albeit a bit silly, got me thinking. What are the big questions that would spark some change in ourselves?

1) Thing that disappoints me?

2) Thing that most feeds my soul?

3) One person in the world I know that I can always depend on?

4) One thing I’d do the change the world?

5) Thing that challenges me the most?


  1. 10-20-2008

    Very fun! Always interesting here…hope your weekend was fantastic!

  2. 10-20-2008

    Thanks for playing along. What is your worst fear?

  3. 10-20-2008

    Hi M! Weekend was great, thanks. Glad you enjoyed the read!

    Wendy – obscure photos get folks thinking. You decide.

  4. 10-21-2008

    Wow, you have got to be the most creative blogger around! You have broadened my horizons, and inspired me to be more creative with my own posts, so thank you very much.

    I also wanted to answer your 5 questions, good way to start my day.

    1. It disappoints me when I see myself and others not taking care of themselves. (yes I do it too, occasionally:)
    2. Bonding with a friend or loved one most feeds my soul.
    3. My mom is one person I can always depend on.
    4. One thing I am doing to change the world, is building a resource online where a community of people from all over the world will help themselves and others to beat heart disease through education and friendship.

    Heart disease is still the #1 killer in the western world, and education is your best defense.

    5. My biggest challenge is balancing time for family, work, and me.

    That was fun thanks,
    Many blessings

  5. 10-21-2008


    Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments! I hope that you’ll continue to stop by and I will definitely check out your blog as well. Cheers!

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