Monday A-Musings…It’s a pillow. No. It’s Chillow!

Posted by on Dec 20, 2010 in hot flash | 2 comments

It’s a pillow! It’s a cold pack! It’s the CHILLOW®!

I don’t know what it is, but this product reminds me of a Chia pet. But, I digress…

Every now and then I run across a product that deserves a nod or a smile. So when I came across the Chillow, well, I knew that I had to write about it.

The Chillow Comfort Device is a pillow for you, hot stuff, you and your hot flashes and night sweats and temperature swings. According to the manufacturer, its “patented SoothSoft® Comfort Technology provides a unique fluid-cool, cushioning memory foam effect that is steady and long lasting…to provide cool comfort relief” for anything from hot flashes to headaches and sunburn. And similar to wicking material, the technology allows the pillow to deflect moisture and heat away from the pillow as opposed to absorbing it. The difference from simply using a cold pack? The Chillow remains “comfortably cool and dry,” not “too cold, or wet.” Sounds sort of like Goldilocks, right. In fact, it also comes in “plus” and “mini” versions, depending on your personal needs.

This product reminds me a bit too of cleavage coolers or the bed fan – gimmicks to cool hot flashes or night sweats. And even when I experience especially sweaty periods, they are typically followed by the icky cold feeling that makes me want to dive back under the comforter, not on top of it.

If you’re longing for a cold spot, the Chillow might be for you. Then again, maybe not.


  1. 12-21-2010

    I know someone who suffers from a ton of headaches due to an earlier head injury. This pillow may be something to check out, thanks!

    • 12-21-2010

      Lisa – happy to help! Thanks for commenting!


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