I’ve been searching the web lately for wicking fabric clothing and bedding. If you recall, I wrote about wicking material in an earlier post with the promise that I would continue to update you on what’s out there.
Admittedly, I’m a bit discouraged. For the most part, the clothing looks like something my mother’s generation would wear and not something I would wear. (Sorry mom; you know I love you!) If Baby Boomer women represent the menopause generation of today, why is it that no one is accommodating our needs in the fashion department?
Designers: if you are reading, this is a HUGE marketing opportunity:
- Women of menopause age make up the largest segment of the American population
- 74 M women will hit menopause by the year 2010
- Research suggests that menopause is second only to personal illness in importance and impact to women over age 40
What do you think? Isn’t it time for some good-looking, well-designed, wicking clothing for women our age? Afterall, we may ‘turn into our mamas’ in some regards but not in every way.