Researchers are studying whether or not Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture care plus self-care can effectively relieve hot flashes.
The ongoing study, known as the ACUFLASH trial, is examining acupuncture as a complete treatment package, a standardized (rather than haphazard) approach in which following diagnosis, the patient receives treatment in specific points. Each practitioner is also free to add individualized points to treat other symptoms related to the menopause, such as depression, anxiety and insomnia. Treatment will comprise up to 10 sessions over 12 weeks, and may also include soy, dietary supplements and herbal medicine.
Study participants will receive either acupuncture treatment as described or self care alone (over the counter drugs, self-provided interventions such a soy and herbal supplements). Participants may also use any additional care such as massage or prescribed medications but these interventions will be followed up, registered, and analyzed accordingly.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture uses diagnostic methods according to principes of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acpunture is believed to affect the autonomic and central nervous systems which directly influence hot flash activity.
Early data looking at patient experiences demonstrates that many women receiving acupuncture treatment have reported substantial impact in terms of a reduction in the frequency and severity of their hot flashes both during the day and at night. They also report better sleep, and improvements in mood.
Sounds very promising, doesn’t it? What’s your experience with acupuncture? Care to share?
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