
Posted by on Jun 28, 2008 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Does menopause make you stupid? Or worse than stupid; i.e. what my ex and I used to call “doopid.”

In my battle against the bulge, my quest against cellulite, my desire to appear younger…well, I guess that I fell for the hype. I bought a new firming gel with “intelligent ingredients,” i.e. they utilize a breakthrough process to reduce the appearance of cellulite dimples.  Touting itself as a “firmaceutical,” this gel evidently interacts with the skin’s surface to target the underlying causes of cellulite. AND IT’S ONLY $3.95 (to cover shipping).

Yet, here’s the rub (no pun intended)!. I received the product and then read the fine print. I get to try it for 30 days, after which time, I will be billed the discounted price of $89.95 and then $44.97 per month thereafter. And, it comes with special supplements to boots the product’s effectiveness. WHAT?! If, during the 30-day period, I don’t see any changes; well, I can return the unused portion.

Sigh. Am I really that doopid? I’m in advertising. I write medical copy. I report on medical studies. Heck, I have spent years educating doctors on diseases. And yet, the promise of smoother, dimple-free skin got me hook, line and sinker.


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