Wednesday Bubble: Hot stuff

Posted by on Dec 24, 2008 in sexual desire, sexual health | 5 comments


Those of you who regularly read this blog know that I’ve spent quite a bit of time this Fall writing about sex. Sexual desire, sexual dysfunctiontestosterone and sex, self respect, happiness….sex.

However, when a friend of mine recently mentioned that it is commonly believed amongst men is that women going through menopause are insatiable,  I had to jump on him (figuratively, of course) and the topic.

This statement blows all the data proving otherwise, well, right out the window.

Women going through menopause are insatiable.

So ladies and gentlemen, the soapbox is yours’ today on Flashfree. Let’s burst the bubble and put the myth and misconceptions about midlife and sex to rest, once and for all (okay, I can’t really promise not to write about this topic again but once and for all this week….):

What are your experiences? Take the poll or comment. Let’s talk!

[polldaddy poll=”1223610″]


  1. 12-24-2008

    I don’t kiss and tell! But I did vote 🙂

  2. 12-24-2008

    wait, shouldn’t there be an option between insatiable and somewhat interested? seems kind of 0-60 to me

  3. 12-24-2008

    If you get on the Power-Surge site, you will see thread after thread after thread written by many women who have no sexual desire or need at this time. I, for one, haven’t wanted sex for 11 years (the amount of time I’ve been going through meno-mania!

  4. 12-28-2008

    I’m not there yet, but two of my friends are going through menopause. They’ve both said that one thing that hasn’t changed is their desire for sex – for them, at least, it stayed at the same level as whatever it was before.

    So it must vary, from person to person. What do you think?

  5. 12-28-2008

    Personally, it’s not changed. But I’m in the peri phase. If you see some of my earlier posts about sex, attitude and self-love have a lot to do with it. Thanks for reading!

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